För ett tag sedan hade Toxic Vision en tävling i samband med att hon lanserade en linje kläder med Iron Maiden tema. Där man skulle skriva en motivering till varför man ville vinna ett valfritt plagg. Det visade sig att dottern deltagit i tävlingen i hopp om att vinna denna "Matter of Life and Death" jacka.
Här är hennes motivering och även om den inte gjorde att hon vann, konkurrensen var rätt hård tror jag, så tycker jag ändå att den är ett helt underbart nedslag i en första konsertupplevelse... För att inte tala om att den väcker mina egna minnen från den konserten....
A matter of life and death is my favorite album of iron maiden. I saw them for the first time when they were on tour for this album. I think I was 8 or 9 years old and it was my first concert. I wanted one of the tour shirts so bad, but we couldn't afford to buy one since they were quite expensive and my mum didn't have a job at the time. I was rather sad about this, but my mum went to buy some soda and popcorn during the concert and when she came back she had a tour t-shirt with her that she had got for me. I was so so happy and wore that shirt almost every day after that.
That is why this album is my favourite. It is my first real memory connected to iron maiden.
nice and thanks for share