Det påvisar väl bara att lurendrejerier i form av så kallade Nigeria-brev på nätet inte direkt minskat. Man kan även misstänka att uppgifterna som finns i materialet fortfarande används för att locka giriga människor att tro att stora summor pengar ramlar över dom helt utan anledning och att det enda som behövs för att få ta del av dessa är en liten summa pengar, till välgöraren (skummisen), för att kunna föra över pengarna till sina rättmätiga ägare (korkade girigbuken).
Allt detta trots att SPAM filtren har blivit bättre och bättre, så att gemene man inte borde behöva se så mycket av denna varan nuförtiden. Om man inte är som jag som tycker om att dyka ner i spam-lådan med jämna mellanrum, bara för att få chansen att känna mig rik och populär. Dessutom roar jag mig fortsatt med att brevväxla med skurkarna ibland, bara för att det är skoj att se vad dom hittar på och den tid dom spenderar på mig är åtminstone bortkastad tid för dom. :-) Sedan kan man ju alltid passa på att posta lite här på bloggen och hoppas att det blir lika poppis som original inlägget, som den statistikhora man ändå är. :-)
Gratis Pengar Från Afrika har denna gången blivit Gratis Pengar Från England.
Det började med att jag fick ett gratulationsbrev att jag hade vunnit ett lotteri, och inte vilket lotteri som helst heller, utan MICROSOFT JACKPOT LOTTERY. 1 miljon Pund dessutom. Smaka på den, det skulle väl sitta fint till julen? Att jag fick gräva fram detta lyckliga meddelande ur min SPAM-låda, det bekom mig inte ett dugg, så klart. Gratis pengar är alltid gratis pengar. Vem bryr sig om att de kommer från ett lotteri man aldrig hört talas om, än mindre spelat på... Fast här behövde man ju inte anmäla sig, man var ju utvald av "Internet voting equipment". Då så! Allt väl!
MICROSOFT INTERNATIONAL.Så, artig som jag är så svarar jag omedelbums.
INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS / delivery of the Prize.
Bacth No.: 2013-187-009-fki9965.
Sir, Madam
This is to inform you about the release of the Spanish
MICROSOFT JACKPOT LOTTERY. The results were published on 26
August 2013. Your email address was attached to
777/09/prz ticket number which consequently won the lottery in the
first category. Therefore, it has been approved to receive €
1,000,000 (€ 1,000,000.00), credited to file with REF.
No ticket was sold for participation. All participants
were selected by Internet voting equipment and come from
Microsoft users of Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and other emails
Microsoft-powered electronic.
For processing your claim fill the form below
Your full name:
Mailing Address:
Any claim not made before 4 weeks turned to the
Microsoft Inc as unclaimed funds.
Mark Ryan
Vice President,
Hi Ryan!Ok, när den första euforin lagt sig och jag tröttnat på att fantisera om allt jag skulle kunna göra med dessa pengar, så blev jag ju lite fundersam ändå. Så, jag svarade glatt och artigt med en liten fråga och passar på att bli lite inkonsekvent, när det kommer till min förut påstådda förtjusning av Microsoft. Passar även på att skicka med lite anpassad personinformation i hopp om att det skall vara nog för att gå vidare.
Great News!Always been a fan of Microsoft and now I have Won!! Lucky me! And It's almost Christmas too.How and Where can I get the Money?Best Regards, Spader
Hi again,I'm feeling a little stupid here. Is it Ok for me to claim the prize, even as I don't use Microsoft's products at all, as I am a Linux guy? I don't want Steve Balmer banging on my door wanting the money back if he finds out.
Country: Sweden
Mailing Address: Do you mean this E-mail address you already got?
age: 46
sex: Yes, and lots of it, please. Male
Occupation: Unemployed
Phone: Got no phone due to the Unemployment
Regards, Spader

Får ganska snart ett svar, som egentligen inte är ett svar utan att man vill att jag nu tar kontakt med banken som skall låta mannan regna från himmelen över mig.
Dear Benefactor,Så, dags att lägga bort propellerkepsen och ta på sig säkerhetsglasögonen en stund, bara för att se lite nyktert på vad vi nu har här. Förutom den information vi nu har, så behöver vi lite assistans av Google och då får man snabbt fram följande.
contact the payment bank with the contact below
details about your paymen.
Allied Finance Security Bank
33 Gloucester Walk Royal Borough
of Kensington and Chelsea,W8,United Kingdom
Tell: +44 703 593 6817
1 970 235 1305
Bank Manager...Mr Albert DrinkWater.
Please note this office always keep up with your deallings
with the bank transfer of funds.
My regard,
Ryan mark
Stoppar man in detta i Google, så får man dryga 2,6 miljoner träffar, där orden SCAM och HOAX lyser med stora versaler överallt. Detta är vad Microsoft själva har att säga om saken.
There is no Microsoft Lottery, and any message of this kind is designed to engage you in a dialogue with cybercriminals who want to persuade you to send them money. - Ryan Mark, Vice President på detta icke existerande lotteri
Det finns en uppsjö Ryan Mark och många med erfarenhet av olika Microsoftprodukter, även om jag vid en snabb koll inte hittar någon som är direkt högt uppsatt inom just Microsoft. - Allied Finance Security Bank
Precis som med lotteriet så är det bara varningsflaggor som dyker upp om man googlar på detta namnet. Men det innehåller ju ordet Security, så hur farligt kan det vara? - Albert DrinkWater, Bank Manager
Wow, vilket låtsasnamn var min första tanke. Men jäklar det finns faktiskt folk som heter så. Fast, kan man heta Shakespear, så kan man väl heta Drinkwater, vad vet jag. Dock hittar jag ingen som är bankdirektör. Men jag gjorde en bildgoogling och den gjorde att jag hamnade på denna sidan Women Struggling to Drink Water, vilket jag tror kan vara en avgörande anledning till att jag tappade fokuset och började tänka på pengarna igen.
Ut med allt tråkigt säkerhetstänkande och sunt förnuft och på med propellerkepsen igen med andra ord. Här hägrar möjligheten att bli rik!
Alltså, ett mail till Herr Drinkwater ASAP!
Och eftersom Albert inte hörde av sig fullt lika fort skickade jag även en påminnelse för att visa hur mycket jag såg fram mot detta. Eftersom deras egna brev inte alltid är så bra stavade, trots deras fina titlar, så tänkte jag dessutom att en skön liten skojstavad rockreferens var på sin plats. Detta är ju trots allt en rockblogg.Regards, Spader.Hello Mr. Drinkwater,How do we do this?
I have won some money that is supposed to get transfered to me via your bank. and as Christmas is coming, I would like the money as soon as possible, so I can spoil myself rotten.
Hello again Mr. Drinkwater,
I'm eager to get this money transfer going as I have already booked a new car and a vacation. This was made instantly as soon as I got the information that I won the Microsoft lottery, and now the suppliers gottsa get paid.
Regards, Spader
Den trevlige bankdirektören Albert Drinkwater skickade mig omgående ett väldigt imponerande formulär som skulle fyllas i för att kunna ta del av mina pengar. Har vid det här laget börjat se dem som mina, jag har ju trots allt vunnit på lotteriet.
Allied Finance Security Bank®
33 Gloucester Walk Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, W8, United Kingdom.
International Remittance Dept – Mr Albert DrinkWater
Call : +44 705 384 4082
+1 970 235 1305
Fax: - 0872 115 7184
+1 970 235 1305
Fax: - 0872 115 7184
Contact Mail -
26St November 2013
Valued Customer: Attention: Valued CustomerThis is to inform you that we had earlier received an official order from the (Microsoft Lottery Board). To create a new offshore bank account for you. This will be done after we have officially received the below details from you as they are very mandatory.
Online Application Form ,
| |||||
Personal Information
| |||||
First Name :
| ||||
Last Name :
| ||||
Gender :
| ||||
Date of Birth:
| ||||
Mailing Information :
| |||||
Occupation/ Company(optional)
| ||||
Contact Address :
| ||||
Home Telephone Number :
| ||||
Office Telephone Number :
| ||||
Mobile Telephone Number :
| ||||
E-Mail Address :
| ||||
Nationality :
| ||||
State :
| ||||
Zip Code :
that not all the details above are necessarily needed. But you must
provide all the details that are available to you without any mistakes
as we cannot open your account if invalid details are supplied.
get started with your new bank account and make it up and running, you
will Once authenticated your account registration will be filed. Note
that it is only when your account has already been created that we can
credit it with the £1,000,000GBP cash Donation code (Batch No 2013-187-009-fki9965
).As it stands, Microsoft Lottery Board has provided us with a legal
statement to stand for you so that your account can be instantly created
without obtaining your SSN, driving license or International passport
because this is a special registration.
Please choose from the two options below the account you will want to be created for you. Note that all account opening requires a activation which attracts charges. After payment you will be given your account activation code to enable you transfer your funds online anytime and anywhere.
Please choose from the two options below the account you will want to be created for you. Note that all account opening requires a activation which attracts charges. After payment you will be given your account activation code to enable you transfer your funds online anytime and anywhere.
OPTION 1:::::====Personal Wire Transfer Account ====
This account type is suitable for individuals who do not wish to exceed a maximum transfer limit of £1,000,000GBP per month.Activation Cost: £750.00 Pounds Sterling.
Maximum transfer allowed per transaction: 250,000GBP
Maximum transfer allowed per month: 1,000,000GBP
Maximum transfer allowed per month: 1,000,000GBP
- Manage your money online
- Access to one of the online banking networks in the world
- Apply for a Personal Wire Transfer Account.
- Transferring funds ONLINE to your bank account. Any transfers made generally occur within 24 hours
====SETUP MODE====
Although account setup may vary from bank to bank, you can open this account by filling out the attached Account Opening Form Your account can be set up immediately you apply but your account will not be functional/activated until you make available the set up fee for activation of the account.
Although account setup may vary from bank to bank, you can open this account by filling out the attached Account Opening Form Your account can be set up immediately you apply but your account will not be functional/activated until you make available the set up fee for activation of the account.
paying your activation cost it will be added to your account balance.
Such that your account balance will then become £1,000,750GBP after
crediting your account with your pending encoded transfer code(F58808).
______________________________ __________________________
OPTION 2:::::====Premium Wire Transfer Account====
account type is suitable for individuals and businesses who do wish to
exceed a maximum transfer limit of £1,000,000GBP per month.
Activation Cost: £920 Pounds Sterling
Maximum transfer allowed per transaction: £1,000,000 GBP
Maximum transfer allowed per month: £10,000,000 GBP
- Manage your money online
- Access to one of the online banking networks in the world
- Apply for a Premium Wire Transfer Account.
- Transferring funds ONLINE to your bank account..Any transfers made generally occur within 12 hours
====SETUP MODE====
account setup may vary from bank to bank, you can open this account by
filling out the attached Account Opening Form Your account can be set up
immediately you apply but your account will not be functional/activated
until you make available the set up fee for activation of the account.
paying your activation cost it will be added to your account balance.
Such that your account balance will then become £1,000,920GBP after
crediting your account with your pending encoded transfer code (F58808).
______________________________ ______________________________ _ ______________________________ _____________________________
State which account you prefer to open with us by typing Yes in the space provided
Option 1:: Personal Wire transfer account:( Activation Cost: £ 750 GBP )............................. ................
Option 2:: Premium Wire transfer account:( Activation Cost: £ 920 GBP )............................. ................
______________________________ ______________________________ _ ______________________________ _____________________________
:: Note: that
your transfer code is not usable unless accredited and transferred by
you after account creation. This implies that your account activation
fee must be paid before your account can be accredited with another
balance of £1,000,000 GBP and also be allowed to make
now all you need to do is to simply provide us with your detailed
information and your choice from the options above. If your credentials
are reviewed and approved you will then be provided with details to pay
your activation cost to get your started with your account.
note, I await the complete properly filled form on the opening of your
account as required. And also account setup fee can be sent to us in
either of the two ways:
- I. Direct Transfer through Western Union Transfer ( Confirmable within 10hours)
- II. Direct Transfer Through Money Gram( Confirmable within 1-2 working days)
Please request for more information from me on your preferred means of setting up account.
Upon receipt of this account advice, Please e-mail me for more clarification on the account setup for you.
============================== ============================== ============.
We Await Your Next E-mail.
International Remittance Dept - Account Officer.
Mr Albert DrinkWater
Allied Finance Security Bank®
***************WARNING******** *********
This message was sent from the International Bank To Bank Transfer Department. of Allied Finance Security Bank. It is only designated for intended recipient only.If you have received this email in error you should immediately discard it without transferring or storing any of it's content. Anyone caught not abiding with these rules will be made to face the law as all communications are officially meant for Allied Finance Security Bank customers only.
********************END******* ***********
Copyright © 2012-2013 ALLIED FINANCE SECURITY BANK LONDON®. All Rights ReservedThis message was sent from the International Bank To Bank Transfer Department. of Allied Finance Security Bank. It is only designated for intended recipient only.If you have received this email in error you should immediately discard it without transferring or storing any of it's content. Anyone caught not abiding with these rules will be made to face the law as all communications are officially meant for Allied Finance Security Bank customers only.
Nu jäklar börjar det röra på sig. eftersom jag vill ha mina pengar så fort som möjligt så väljer jag givet vis det lite dyrare alternativet, vad är väl 980 Pund när man snart skall få en hel miljon? Men lite misstänksamhet smyger sig in i låtreferenserna och jag ber om någon form av bevis på att Albert är Albert trots allt.
Hello Mr. DrinkwaterRegards, Spader
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. And I know, that option nr. 2 seems like the way I would like to go on with, but I have to beg your Pardon if I seem a little stupid for not understanding everything, but I'm sure that you can help me so that we do this the correct way.
And I don't want to seem mistrustful, but 920£ is quite abit of money for me, so I would be greatful if you could send me some kind of confirmation of yourself, just to ease my mind. Like a photo or a copy of your passport just to make me sure that you are a real person?

Eftersom jag är en lat person som inte gillar att fylla i tråkiga blanketter, så kom jag nu istället med ett förslag. Eftersom England inte är så långt borta kanske man kan slå två flugor på käften på samma gång?
How does that sound?And you could show me around town and I could buy you a beer or two. Perhaps even some Fish n chips as money won't be a problem anymore.Hello again Mr. Drinkwater,Thanks for the picture, you look most reliable. I was thinking like this. As I'm planning a trip to the UK anyway, why don't I drop by the bank in person and just withdraw the money. That way I could do a little tax planning in the process, as my government wouldn't need to know anything. And we could save time and don't have to do all the tedious work with creating an account.
Regards, Mr. Ess
Och hoppsan vad förslaget om möjlig skatteplanering tog skruv. Sådant håller minsann inte den hederlige Herr Drinkwater på med, lät han mig vänligen förstå i sitt svar på detta.
33 Gloucester Walk Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, W8, United Kingdom.
International Remittance Dept - Mr Albert DrinkWater
28th Nov 2013Good day to you dear customer.Spader Ess.'That would have being a good plan though but i would love to inform you that when it comes to my job i have to be 100% professional as i have being with this firm for over 3 decades and have being one of the best staffs ever i will be retiring this year at the age of 56 you see i really need to live by example so i wouldn't want to get my selv involve with anything this professional because over here in uk we have a lot protocol when it comes to dealing with money so if you decide to come over in person for your money it will be a more difficult process as the ministry of finance has to be aware of this and then they will ask you a requirement which i know you wouldn't want to condo so i advise you follow instructions as they are being given to you because i am in a best position to counsel you over your funds claim and not you telling me.We already agreed with the company given you this award and we do not wish to go against it being that you are just a beneficiary of this funds you have to please follow instructions from us because this has only being a method of disbursing awards to winners like you.NOTE: Our conversations are being recorded for quality purpose which means you have to be careful with you write on here i am just given you a simple advise to avoid complication ,thanks for adhering.Once again please provide your information as given with the application form ensure everything is enclose give us your opted option and we will direct you on how to remit payment so everything can be concluded this week, time they say is a friend to no body so use it wisely.Regards.International Remittance Dept - Account Officer.Mr Albert DrinkWaterAllied Finance Security Bank®***************WARNING*****************
This message was sent from the International Bank To Bank Transfer Department. of Allied Finance Security Bank. It is only designated for intended recipient only.If you have received this email in error you should immediately discard it without transferring or storing any of it's content. Anyone caught not abiding with these rules will be made to face the law as all communications are officially meant for Allied Finance Security Bank customers only.
********************END****************** Copyright © 2012-2013 ALLIED FINANCE SECURITY BANK LONDON®. All Rights Reserved
Så, nu kände jag behovet av att öka otrevlighets graden en aning, trots allt är man ju numer oförskämt rik, vilket gör att man kan bete sig en smula oförskämt och mindre värda människor får finna sig i det. Jag passar även på att knyta an till ett annat luckrativt mail jag fått till min Spamlåda.
Vilket resulterade i enförklaring att han bara försöker vara proffesionell, den gode Herr Drinkwater.Regards, Mr. EssCould you please help me with this? Or should I ask their bank if they can help me with the transfer of the Lottery money too?I will move forward and fill in your form as soon as possible. In the meantime, I wonder if you could help me with another monetary matter? I have just received an E-mail from the American Government that states that I have inherited a large sum of money, USD$10,500,000.00. Which money transfer needs to be set up similar to our set up.Dear Mr. Drinkwater,You obviously do not like Fish n chips and beer for some ungodly reason, but that is no reason to be upset.
Good day to you dear customer.Spader Ess.'
Men nu är det ju inte vilken lantlolla som helst han har med att göra, utan en person som snart kommer att rulla i stålar som den värste Joakim Von Anka, så vi skruvar till det lite till för att se om han fortsätter försöka utan att tröttna. Vilket ärligt talat jag gör. :-)Once again i will like to inform you that i have no personal reasons neither did my profession admits that i get upset over customers,I was only trying to put some information across which could help us hasting the transfer process.I will like you to please keep confidential every issues regarding this transaction and do what ever you wish to do with any other messages i don't have any business outside this very program and i believe you are matured enough to handle things wisely with what ever you do.I await your application formRegards.International Remittance Dept - Account Officer.Mr Albert DrinkWater
Mr. Drinkwater,
As a man due to some serious money, I expect to be treated with some respect that comes with such status. You didn't answer if you could help me with the transfer of the American money (USD$10,500,000.00) or not.
The bank that handles that account said that they would be honored to help such a distinguished person as myself with the transfer of your money instead. For just a small sum of 1,500£ extra they could arrange that without any problems.
But as I think that you seem to be a more likable and honest person, I would rather do business with you and your bank.
You don't happen to have any single ladies working at the bank, that would be interested in dating a soon to be millionaire?
Best Regards, Sir Ess
Det här verkar dock vara droppen, för nu har jag inte hört av herr Drinkwater på ett par dagar. Kanske har han klippt sig och skaffat ett riktigt jobb, kanske har han för stor moral för att även agera som kopplare åt kvinnor på bank eller så har han fått in de pengar som behövdes för stunden....
Trodde jag, det tog ett par dagar, innan Ryan som initierade det hela tog kontakt för att se hur saker och ting går.
This mail is a confirmation message in sequel to your supposed funds
claim with the allied finance security bank , Please get back to us
and let us know the current status of the transfer process.Ryan.
Med andra ord, det kanske inte är helt kört att få sina pengar till Jul, så man kan fira den riktigt ståndsmässigt? Så ett snabbt svar tillbaka.
Regards, Mr. EssHi there Ryan,I'm not sure whats happening, I'm getting the silent treatment from Mr. Drinkwater. I don't know if its due to the fact that he is jealous of the riches that are coming my way, or that he have stolen the money for himself and left for a more sunny climate, with all the single ladies at his bank office?
Snabbt och informativt svar igen, som dock inte säger så mycket.
Better still if you have to say that the bank are trying to defraud
you because they have requested some little sum just to process the
funds claim then i should say you are equally saying that this program
is not legitimate , I believe no body is a kid a man can tell if he
sees a real thing or not, I will only advise you follow proper
instructions given you to.
The money is on a suspense account because if comes through an
ESCROW ACCOUNT from the donation board and goes in true treasury as
you know funds for treasury are not being deposited directly into an
account is has to stay on suspense as it has no much quarry on it as
far as it is from treasury.
williems_taylor_agent: What then you have to do is to setup an account
with the finance body and then they will credit your account with the
funds directly from the suspense account. which means you will be
having your deposit and your winnings all balance together and you can
as well recieve your deposit after you have transfered your money to
your local account , this is just a short process not more than 90
working days depending on how long you wish to live the funds in the
account but it must not stay more than 90 working days as it is more
like an offshore online account.
We have reviewed these process and i believe there is no problem with
this is either you saying we are also running hoax or you peacefully
follow their instrcution and take up responsibility as a winner who
has appreciations to show.
williems_taylor_agent: Thank about this.
Som jag gav ett kort och koncist svar.
The problem is that I haven't got any instructions yet.
Dags att få till en reaktion eller lägga ner....
Impatient Mr EssHi Ryan,Or as we say in Swedish, Jämrans Papphatt, This is going to slow. The seasons are upon us, and there are booze and Ho'es to be bought. In Short, I need the money ASAP, what to do?
Men som det ser ut så var det det sista som dessa herrar eller damer sade, och nu orkar jag inte med dem mer. Så nu är det bara att publicera, så får vi se om detta blir lika poppis läsning?
Och till alla er därute, som orkat läsa igen denna smörjan till slut. Det finns inga gratis pengar som ramlar från himmelen, eller nätet i detta fallet. Bättre då att försöka leta efter guldkrukan vid regnbågens ände eller fånga en Leprechaun. Man blir ungefär lika rik, men det blir inte lika stora hål i plånboken.
Ha ha ha! Underbar läsning. :)
SvaraRaderaTack det är alltid lika kul att busa med dessa typer.